It's been a minute since I've been on here to write...but I wanted to finish up a blog post about waist training that I started to write while traveling for work...
En route to DC/VA for work and decided to take a quick Instagram mental break and as I'm scrolling through pictures, I see several selfies of women at the gym with their waist trainers to which I completely cringe at. Ok, I get it, losing weight for a woman is not easy. Duh. From portion control, to watching our calorie intake, and don't forget exercise...that shit is hard! #facetopalms
Now enter the waist trainer. It's not new and it's not revolutionary but it is the latest and greatest diet fad. Women like the Kardashians, Amber Rose, and so many other celebrities who are apart of this "#WaistGangSociety"are promoting this contraption which claims to cinch your waist into the itty bitty tiny waist that society all wants us women to be. Newsflash, not all women were created equal, and not all women were meant to have a tiny waist with accentuated hips.
So you want to be part of the #waistgangsociety you say? Well, let me paint a picture for you (not literally lol)....below is a picture perfect reason of what happens to your body when you waist train.
Not exactly appealing is it? Didn't think so.
It's been suggested by doctors that waist trainers can be more damaging than beneficial. As the diagram above shows, doctors are worried that waist trainer wearers can compress the lower intestines into the pelvic region. Not only this, corsets worn too tight can cause skin infections or even scarring! Does waist training still sound appealing? Sure, wearing a corset may give you an immediate satisfaction of a svelte like figure but there is no proven long term benefits of wearing a waist trainer. Sorry ladies! I hate to say it but it looks like the best way to get in shape and to have a healthy waist line is through diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Not everyone will have that Kim Kardashian or Nikki Minaj tiny waist line and really that's ok. Women come in different shapes and bodies, the way it should be. The idea of this "#waistgangsociety" is quite frankly another trend made popular to make women feel inadequate or unhappy with the fact that our waists isn't as tiny as some of these celebrities waist lines are. Fact of the matter is, have a waistline that is healthy. That's what we should be promoting. Healthy Lifestyles. I'm just saying.
If you do decide to wear a waist trainer, do it with caution and please do your research! At the end of the day, a waistline doesn't determine beauty but as Audrey Hepburn best said "True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul."