Hi my loves!
I know it's been a while butttt, I needed to take some time off from writing, re-focus, and get back into the groove of all things beauty, fitness, and such. Although I took a summer hiatus from my blog, it doesn't mean that I took a hiatus from life. Nope, not at all. I've been traveling a lot this summer and feel very fortunate that my job has allowed me the opportunity to travel for work and see places that I wouldn't ordinarily visit in the US like Minnetonka, Minnesota ( which I actually really recommend visiting for summers. It's beautiful especially being out on the lake). I'm also very grateful that I've had the opportunity to travel internationally this year from Canada, Fiji, UK, Itay, New Zealand and last but not least, Tonga.
Quick selfie at Pangaimotu Resort, Tongatapu |
Definitely, my most memorable trip this year was my trip back to my parents native land, Tonga. I was extremely fortunate to have my best friends Sergio and Tissa there in Tonga with me. I was at a transitional stage of my life, and had allowed myself to be bogged down by first world problems. Visiting Tonga helped remind me that you don't need all the riches in the world to be "rich". Cliché as it may sound I realized on my trip that there was so much that I took for granted living in the US, including a hot shower. And I say that because, Sergio and I got to experience taking cold morning showers nearly every day we were on the main island of Tonga. The saying that you really don't realize how good you have something till it is taken away from you was very much relevant in all aspects of this trip including our cold shower experience lol. What a humbling experience my trip was and still is. The funny part of all of this is that this was not my first time to Tonga. Nope. I spent part of my childhood in Tonga, on a smaller island, Vava'u with my grandparents and my sisters,and left at the age three only to later return as an adult to Tongatapu to briefly live there in 2010. In 2010, I moved to Tonga with the thought that I was going to make use of my Bachelors in Political Science, which is laughable in restrospect now but I will save that story for another blog post. Lol. Overall, I had such an amazing time on my trip to Tonga and Vavau. For the first time ever, I felt that I finally experienced the beauty and culture of Tonga that so many tourists come and appreciate Tonga for. As my bestie Serg best put it, we completely surrendered ourselves to the "chemicals" of Tonga.
Enjoying a fresh coconut from Friends Cafe in Tongatapu. |
My bestie Serg with me at Pangaimotu. |
My grandpa Pafilio, Vava'u |
Prior to arriving in Tonga, there were so many things I kept raving to Serg about including the baked fresh bread from the bakery all the way to the ocean waters of Tonga and the healing powers within it. As I mentioned before, I was stressed out from life, so much so that my skin was the unfortunate benefactor of my stress. My face had broken out everywhere and it wasn't pretty. Serg can attest to this because even he had never seen my skin so bad. I kept telling him over and over again that the first thing I wanted to do upon arriving in Tonga was to go for a dip in the ocean water because of it's healing powers. I probably sounded like a lunatic talking about the healing powers of the oceans in Tonga, till we actually arrived in Tonga and went out to Pangaimotu to go for a dip. It was immediate that both Serg and myself could see the difference in our skin. I'm not claiming that the Oceans in Tonga are better than any other in the world, but I do claim it to be magical healing waters, at least for my skin it is lol. Speaking of skin, one of my favorite things that I also always rave about to Serg is the lolo Tonga aka Tongan handmade oil. There are different kinds of lolo Tonga, and all have it's different benefits and scents, but all are so lovely to use and in my opinion is better than any argan oil, moraccan oil that you can ever find on the market. I never cared for lolo Tonga growing up, but now it's my absolute favorite thing to always have on hand for my skin.
Pulling up to Nuku Island, Vava'u. |
On the small island Nuku, Vava'u. |
Besides visiting Pangaimotu, there were so many other incredibly beautiful places that Serg and I visited, but my favorite place that we visited alongside my other bestie Tissa and her husband Misi was Nuku Island. It was such a special trip to Nuku island, because my grandfather, who just arrived back from sea that day, rested for about two hours and decided to go back to sea to take my friends and I out. It was the first time that I got to be side by side with my grandfather, doing what he does and knows best. He amazes me with his knowledge of the sea, skies, and stars especially considering, I know nothing about the ocean, let alone know how to swim. lol. I promise one day I will learn how to swim in this lifetime. lol! My grandfather...he is a true navigator of the Pacific Ocean. I admire him so much for his hard work, his dedication, and the path that he has set forth for his children, and his grandchildren, and so thankful for all of the sacrifices that he has made for me to be where I am today. His spirit of entrepreneurship drives me daily to make something out of myself that will make him one day proud. I love him so much.
Selfie at Mandala Resort, Vava'u |
Dessert from Mandala Resort, Vava'u |
Post hike @ Mt. Talau, Vava'u with my bestie Tissa. |
Although I never wanted to leave Vava'u or my grandpa, I suppose that with all good things, they all come to an end. My friends and I all had such a great time being in Tonga and in Vava'u, and so many life lessons that I came to appreciate and learn that I couldn't have learned anywhere else but in Tonga. My most valuable lesson of all that I learned is that no matter how well planned you may have your life, God can re-direct those plans. I had my life planned out upon my return from Tonga but I'm so grateful though that God re-directed my path when he did. He put on my path a better answer and direction than I could have ever imagined myself. I truly believe that nothing is possible without him and although I was going through a lot at the time, I honestly believe, that God answered my prayers in the best way possible...with love, with hope, and with faithfulness. Till next time loves!
Neiafu, Vava'u |
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