Monday, May 4, 2015

Green Smoothie Recipe

In the mornings I am always in a rush to get out the door and never have time to make breakfast, so,  I love to make these smoothies the night before and refrigerate so that I can quickly grab and go in the AM. The best thing about making these smoothies is that it's easy peezy and it yields at least 4 servings (that's 4 meals!) I normally make my smoothies with apples and pears because they are always in season but my cousin recently brought me some mangoes and pineapple so I swapped out the pears and apples for these fresh fruits all the way from Hawaii. Try my recipe out and feel free to use fruits and greens that you like/are in season.

- 1.5 cups water
- 1/2 cup ice
- 3 cups Dino kale

- 3 cups spinach
- 2 celery stalks, halved
- 1 cup pineapple cubed
- 1 cup 
- 1 banana, peeled
- 1 lemon juice only
- bunch cilantro with stems (optional)
- bunch parsley with stems (optional)

In your blender, blend all of your veggies first. Next, add in your fruits then blend until completely dissolved and voila your smoothie is ready to pour and drink!

 If you have a smoothie recipe that you like, please comment and share. I'm always looking for new smoothie recipe's. Have a Happy Tuesday my love's! 

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