
Welcome! I'm Marie and I am currently a Production Manager at Sephora. I graduated from UC Berkeley with a Bachelor's in Political Science and didn't quite follow that path of becoming a lawyer like I thought I would. Who would have thought that I would end up in the cosmetics industry instead? I guess sometimes life has a different plan altogether then you plan but I can't say that I am un-happy with where I am at :) 

For those of you wondering what my ethnic background is, I am Tongan and proud of it! I am a first generation here in the US. My parents are from the beautiful island of Tonga. Tonga is a Polynesian soverign state in the Pacific Islands...google it, you will be amazed by the beautiful landscape, I promise. 

I love all things related to beauty, health, and fitness! I started this blog because my beautiful aunt told me that I should start a blog on all of the products that I use and thus here I am.

How I became a beauty fanatic:

I've always been fascinated with cosmetics and growing up in a household full of women, I loved watching my aunts getting ready and putting on makeup. Fast forward about 8 years ago after graduating from college I was jobless and after a fight with my ex-boyfriend, I decided to "treat" myself to a shopping spree at my local Sephora. That same day, I was recruited by the assistant manager, and that was the beginning of my career with Sephora and furthered my obsession with beauty products! 

How I became a health/fitness junkie:

It was around November 2012, I was 28 and completely overweight, weighing in at about 225lbs. I knew at that point that by my 30th birthday that I wanted to get back to my "high school weight" and thus began my journey of the "fit and healthy life". I have never looked back since then. 

Disclaimer: Just so you know...I am not a pro-athlete, professional makeup artist, or a professional health specialist but I love all of these things and hope that the things I share on my blog someone out there will find useful. 

I hope that you enjoy my blog!

Ofas (love in Tongan),

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